Month: July 2022

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Seasonal Spending: Back-to-School Bust or Bonanza?

by foxtrot

Posted on July 29, 2022

The National Retail Federation (NRF) recently released a great deal of important data about retail holiday and seasonal trends. The information, revealed in a series of articles and a July 19th webinar, is especially noteworthy, because it’s based on a series of detailed annual surveys that the organization has been conducting for nearly two decades […]

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Recession Depression or Retail Revival?

by foxtrot

Posted on July 13, 2022

The economic outlook and the potential impact of big-picture financial trends on retail real estate The financial headlines can look a little dire these days. From skyrocketing inflation to rising gas prices to record low levels of consumer confidence, there are plenty of reasons to keep a watchful eye on the national economic outlook. But […]

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